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Airworks International is an aviation company that is a sub-company of MBI Savunma ve Alan Tarama Teknolojileri A.Ş and Spectra Trad LLC

By MBI Defense


MBI Mini Serce Target Drone is produced by MBI Savunma ve Alanı Tarama Teknolojileri A.S and Spectra Trade LLC. Serce target drone has over 1000 flight hours proven in the operational field.


MBI Serce Target Drone is produced by MBI Savunma ve Alanı Tarama Teknolojileri A.S and Spectra Trade LLC. Serce target drone has over 1500 flight hours proven in the operational field.


MBI Atmaca Aerial Target Drone is produced by MBI Savunma ve Alanı Tarama Teknolojileri A.S and Spectra Trade LLC. Serce target drone has over 10000 flight hours proven in the operational field.
Tactical Aircrafts

Tactical Aircrafts

Tactical Target Aircraft's



Tactical Target Drone



Tactical Target Drone

Multi-rotor Drones

Multi-rotor Drones

Cutting Edge Technology

Ground Control Systems

Ground Control Systems

Tailored for your missions

Autopilot Systems and Software

Autopilot Systems and Software

Developed for full autonomous flights

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